Sunday, March 30, 2014

Beauty Tool Review: Tweezerman Blemish Extractor

Today I'll be "reviewing" the Tweezerman Blackhead/Blemish Extractor. This is a stainless steel tool that has two looped ends: a small loop on one, and a larger loop on the other. The smaller loop is for blackheads, while the larger loop is for whiteheads. The premise of this tool is to help you extract open comedones (those that have a head) without damaging your skin or pushing the gunk further into your pores.

When you pop a pimple, which we've all done at one point, your nails pinching your skin removes thing layers of you skin, which can lead to scarring. This can also push everything further into the pores, instead of removing it. And, of course, there's always the worry of infection.

I don't have very many blackheads. In fact, I get very few (I would say 5-6 a year) that I can see, and they're mostly focused on my forehead. My skin issue is whiteheads. I cheat with this tool and switch sides around depending on the size of the whitehead...shhhh! Don't tell!

I find it does a fairly good job of removing the gunk...when it's ready to be removed. I've had some stubborn ones that just won't budge and I have to convince myself to put the tool down so I don't wreck my skin further. And I'm not going to lie, it can hurt! TMI: I've had some painful ones that required a little bit of extra pressure that made them explode. Satisfying, disgusting and painful. And a little bloody, those are the ones that take a while to close up and heal.

Is this better than using your fingers? Well, I find it more hygienic. And it can apply pressure easier than your fingernails sometimes. And it is easier to get everything out, not just the top layer. Overall I'd say this is a win. This retails for $10-$13 at drugstores, I think I got mine at Walgreens during a sale.


  • Less damaging to skin
  • More hygienic
  • Extract everything from a pimple
  • Works on whiteheads and blackheads (use a magnifying mirror to help!)
  • Double-sided
  • Can apply pressure that fingers can't
  • Can be hard to clean (gunk gets stuck in the loops, blech)
  • Doesn't work on ALL pimples
  • Can be painful and damaging if you push too hard
And now for pictures
The tool itself

Sorry that this one is blurry! :(

A difficult one to capture because of location.

The tool wish some gunk...yum.

To elaborate on how it works, you center the whitehead within the loop, apply some pressure (towards the tip of the loop), wiggle a bit and then boom! Gunk is out (if it's an easy one!)


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