Hey everyone! This post is going to be a bit ramble-y, there’s just a few different subjects that I want to touch on (student teaching, my ring/engagement, my wedding dress, my placement, etc).
So, I started my student teaching this week, even though I don’t have a supervisor yet (way to go, NAU!). BUT, everything is going well. Right now I’m observing how the program works, and I’ve been helping out some beginners (on clarinet and mallets). The kids all seem really eager to learn and were very welcoming. I’m writing this during a break in my schedule, but I don’t have internet so I’ll have to post it later. Today is their first marching rehearsal, so that’ll be fun! I’ll let you know how that goes on a different post. There is one kid with autism in the percussion class who is extremely intelligent. He picks up on things quicker than the new kids sometimes. And as sad that it is that there is this “barrier,” its really heart-warming to see him get excited about playing the bass drum or playing on the mallet instruments. And I think his enthusiasm definitely rubs off and gets the other kids happy and excited about music. Hey, that’s what we’re all in this for right?
After our Montana trip (which will be a completely different post, one that is very picture heavy), I obviously only had 1 day left in Flagstaff. This included: finishing packing my room, loading the truck, cleaning the apartment, standing in line for HP, the movie, sleeping for a few hours, my last orthodontist appointment, breakfast, then driving home for 7 ½ hours. So of course, it was now or never for the proposal and ring, haha. Although we both had different ideas (I thought I was going to his place, he showed up at mine with my dad there, haha), he proposed with my stuffed penguin (nickname), called Tux, my Tiffany-blue nail polish (China Glaze – For Audrey), and of course the ring. So, a lot of you know that we took the stone out of my mom’s engagement ring, and we got it placed in a white gold solitaire setting. Its beautiful, check it out (sorry, my dad's camera doesn't like shooting things in macro like its supposed to):

So I know this picture is blurry and awful, but it shows a bit of the fire in the diamond (:
I can’t be any happier, we both are very excited (maybe I’m just slightly more so…but hey, I’m a girl we plan this once we can think for ourselves!). And on that note…
I went up to Del Mar to meet my mom for lunch on Saturday. And of course, talk wedding talk (among other things). So, on a spontaneous trip to Alfred Angelo, we found ourselves a few hours later looking at wedding dresses (and bridesmaids dresses). Shortly after that, if you walked in you would see me in my first wedding dress and my mom crying (of course! She said she wouldn’t…yeah right :P). I tried on 6 or 7 dresses, but the entire time it was between the first two. And the whole time not only am I thinking, Oh God, I love two dresses what am I going to do, but also Oh my God, am I really trying on wedding dresses for my wedding that is 2-3 years away?! But yeah, I was. And yeah, I did. We ultimately chose one, which we will be purchasing later this year, at a great price! As well as the veil and headpiece which were just beautiful, the consultant read my mind! Of course, we are still going to try on more dresses for two reasons: 1. All we tried were Alfred Angelo and 2. There’s this one dress (some of you have seen) that I fell in love with in magazines. I marked it separately three times before I realized it was all the same dress. I have t try it on. Even though I know now, based on the others that I tried on, that it won’t be as I thought it would on my figure, I still have to. I’ve sent some pictures out (seeing how we were caught by surprise, its only cell phone pictures…and not enough of them! :P), but if you would like to see just leave a comment or get a hold of me somehow. The only condition is that you can’t go showing Richard (duh!). And I’ll give you me details on the dress, seeing how I can’t reveal too much here because somebody claims to read this blog (hint hint).
My last subject for today is my placement. I was placed at two different middle schools before the third one became the final placement. Bonita Vista Middle School. I just wanted to share my feelings on the matter. Most of you know what my experience was, both good and bad, with those schools. And although I knew I was working in the same district, I never expected to be that close, if that makes sense. It is very saddening for me, but at the same time I know that I have to professional and smile and nod until I can get through those 8 weeks. After my first few days in band at BVMS in 7th grade, I knew that I wanted to be a band director. So I did find it fitting that I will end my undergraduate career at the same place before I officially enter the real world. It’ll be a tough 8 weeks, but I’ve survived it before and I can do it again. And it will make me a stronger and better person.
On that note, my break is almost up. Time to see if any of my reeds work so I can help out the clarinets today. Hah.