I know I posted this to facebook already, but in case you missed my note here it is. Enjoy!
[-] Spending New Year’s Eve/Day eating dinner from a gas station and sitting in the hotel room.
[+] Katy Perry collection
[+/-] Chargers v. Broncos game in Denver. We won, but there was that fan that kicked me in the knee and who was a complete jerk.
[+] Richard bringing me lunches before class
[-] My attempt at taking BME 437 with an awful teacher
[+] GB won the superbowl.
[+] Approved to student teach in California
[+] Big night with SAI
[+] Making homemade bread with Richard
[+] Getting into a baking war, throwing sugar and flour (:
[+] Wrote a drum cadence for class which resulted in an A (:
[-] Getting really sick
[+] New Plain White Ts album
[+/-] New phone…in the long run I hate it.
[+] New MITs, including my second little, Sam (:
[-] Lame competency exam
[+] Strombolli’s date with Richard (where we went on our first date)
[+] New recipe: Avocado stuffed chicken
[+] Lunch with my mom for her birthday
[+/-] Seaport Village with Richard, but he got sick so we had to leave early
[+] Zoo with Richard for the first time in years!
[+] Walking around Balboa Park
[+] Friendship Garden
[+] Finding a whole sand dollar from Coronado (:
[-] The jerk who almost made me crash because his lights weren’t on and he drove across the street to get to the movie theater. So close to hitting him.
[-] My car got stuck at the bottom of my apartment complex
[+/-] Trying to learn how to play drumset
[+] Dropping my BME 437 class so I could take it over the summer with a different teacher
[+] Signed up for my last semester at NAU
[-] Got sick
[+] Monopoly with Nicole
[+] Wrote a percussion ensemble piece (which was…ok)
[+] One year anniversary with Richard
[-] My ortho told me I had two more visits for my braces…only after telling me I could get them off on the next visit.
[+] Sweetwater approved me for student teaching in their district.
[+] Bought HP7:P1
[+] Movie date to go see Rio
[+] Staples fixed my computer!
[+] Super weird Arranging project that I wrote whatever and aced (the one with the paint cans)
[-] Stupid stupid stupid Project 3 (the 45 lesson plans from hell). Did it in 9 hours…straight.
[+/-] My final college concert…very bittersweet.
[+] Initiation went great, and yay for the new members, including my little Sam!
[+] Richard premiered one of his compositions
[+] Got snow for my last finals week at NAU
[+] Richard bought me bundle monster plates (nail stamping plates)
[+] Nicole graduated!
[+] Officially became a super senior.
[+] Got all A’s and B’s
[+] Mom made her cabbage rolls.
[-] Car had to get a new radiator and water pump.
[+] San Diego Symphony playing Firebird.
[+] Actually enjoyed Pirates 4
[+] Boogie-boarding for the first time in years.
[-] Ridiculous sunburn on the backs of my legs, and Richard’s back. Hurt soooo bad!
[+] Finished making Richard watch all of Lost…and still bawled like a baby.
[+] San Diego Symphony with Gil Shaham and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5.
[+] Found the Crayola scented nail polish that I had been looking for.
[+] Started my blog, Changing Tides.
[+] Walking around town and going to the movies with Nicole.
[+] Got my braces off! :D
[-] Summer school
[+] Driving out for Lauren’s graduation from UCSD.
[+] Got engaged to the best fiancé ever, Richard
[+] Replaying and beating Pokemon Snap with Richard.
[-/+] Not receiving her book for her presentation, but being able to BS it and still get an A.
[+] My 4th of July manicure.
[-] Getting stuck in major traffic on the 17 on our way to pick up my dad from the airport.
[+] Finding a butter beer recipe for the HP premiere.
[+] Bought my engagement ring.
[-] Casey Anthony trial outcome.
[+] Spending time in Montana to see DJ, Rachel and Freddy.
[-] Awful hotel…the War Bonnet (aka the War Buffet).
[+] Driving through Yellowstone on the way back to Flagstaff.
[+] Finally got my engagement ring, which was my mom’s diamond put in a new setting.
[+] Received my mom’s Tiffany’s ring for my wedding band.
[+/-] Moved out of my apartment.
[+/-] HP premiere and the end of my childhood.
[+] Seeing that one guy propose to his girlfriend in the theater.
[+] Bob turned 7! (:
[+] Cast announced for the new Avatar show.
[+] Taught myself how to flutter tongue on the trumpet…and then annoyed my Dad with it (:
[+] Got my student teaching placement after being placed at 3 different middle schools.
[+] Found my wedding dress after a spontaneous shopping trip with my mom and Neil.
[+] Started student teaching at Olympian High School.
[+] Created my very first quizzes as a teacher (:
[+] Cowboys and Aliens!
[+] Bridal bazaar with Lauren, Neil and my mom.
[-] First time in my life going to school on my birthday.
[+/-] Turned 22, but doesn’t feel like it was my birthday at all.
[+] Birthday flowers!
[+] Got Rio on DVD…such a cute movie! (:
[+] Registered for the AEPA
[+] Survived teaching the entire day by myself.
[+] Ordered my graduation announcements.
[+] Richard came for a visit
[+] Making peanut butter fudge with my grandma’s recipe and actually succeeding!
[+] Mary Poppins, it was good!
[+] Did extremely well on my student teaching midterm.
[+] Went to the Trevor Hoffman retirement ceremony…it was a bit too long though.
[+/-] Wrote letters to all of the band directors in San Diego, but didn’t get any responses…but that’s ok, what matters is that I tried.
[+] My first SCSBOA Fall Conference
[+] Got my very first hotel room all to myself…felt weird haha.
[+] IHOP trip and bowling with friends.
[-] Water was trapped in my ear for days.
[+] Saw one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen in my life.
[+] Hornswoggle concert
[+/-] Blackout. It was insanely scary driving home trying to cross major streets, and getting gas was a very interesting and frustrating adventure. But it was fun playing Yahtzee and then leaving at midnight to drive to Flagstaff.
[+] My trip to Flagstaff, which was mostly for the AEPA.
[-] My drive up to Flagstaff was so scary! Crazy lightning storm.
[+] My short visit with Nicole where there was another power outage (for me) and another crazy storm.
[-] 10th anniversary of 9/11.
[-] Having a dentist appointment with snobby people to schedule the last 2 of my wisdom teeth extraction.
[+] Rocked my student teaching final for my first placement.
[+] The oh-so-fun filming at 5 AM for the wannabe PPR at Olympian.
[+/-] My dad flushed all 3 of my betta fish down the toilet because I didn’t want them anymore…poor fish!
[+] Finished my Candidate Work Sample
[+] The Lion King 3D with my dad.
[+] Lauren got me hooked on pistachios!
[+] Went and saw the Blue Man Group.
[+/-] My last day at Olympian, where my students surprised me with posters and gifts and pretty much made me cry. But they made me realize that I absolutely, 100% , love what I am doing. I learned so much from them.
[+] Fall break, which included a trip to Flag.
[+] Hanging out with Lauren in Flag while her mom was at her conference and Richard was in class.
[-] RIP Joel DiBartolo.
[+] “The altitude…it’s so tall!” Lauren being tipsy.
[-] Had to get 2 new tires for my car…after running over a bolt and having a leak in the second tire.
[+] Symphony with Jean-Yves Thibaudet…amazing pianist.
[+] Walking out to find my dad crying while watching Maid in Manhattan, haha!
[+/-] Color Oops…trying to get the color out of my hair. It made my hair smell burnt for weeks and it didn’t even work.
[+] Dyed Dustin’s hair a blue-black.
[+] Lauren was nice enough to drive me to my wisdom teeth extraction.
[-] Had to take antibiotics on an empty stomach, therefore threw up in Lauren’s brand new car (which I’m still so so so so sorry for!).
[-] Got my wisdom teeth out on my right side.
[-] Had my very first IV…and got really bad bruising from it.
[+/-] Didn’t remember anything for the first half hour after I woke up…which I guess was entertaining, haha.
[+] Teaching Lauren about nail polish (like NOT using a top coat for a base coat, hahaha).
[-] Bob freaking Lauren and I out with all of the ghost encounters in my house…we called my dad to wake him up so he could walk across the house and turn a light on for the whole night, haha.
[+/-] Trying to see the Red Tides with Lauren but we were too late so it was really small :(
[+] Lauren stayed with me for a few days while I was home alone because my dad was in Colorado.
[+] Passed the AEPA!
[+/-] First day of student teaching at Bonita Vista Middle School.
[+] Got the highest marks in every category for my Candidate Work Sample.
[+] My cap and gown came in.
[-] Graduation pictures...really weren’t that good.
[-] One of my students stole my phone…but I tracked it down and got it back. Stupid kid.
[+] Seeing old awards and scrapbooks from when I went to BVMS.
[+/-] Went to see Hair…it was ok.
[+/-] Having to face a demon from my past…but surviving it.
[+] My students chose NAU for college week.
[+] Got to wear my BVHS letterman jacket that I pretty much never got to wear because I transferred schools.
[+] Mt. Carmel Tournament…which included seeing Liz! (:
[+] Some of my students from OHS were really able to make me smile at that tournament…and I really needed that.
[+] Richard and I set a date! July 6th, 2013.
[+/-] Symphony Spooktacular…too many kids though.
[-] Had a rough week which was a real test of my character and showed me how strong I really am, even in my moments of weakness. And it showed me what I’ll have to do for the rest of my career.
[+] Survived teaching middle school by myself all day. Never want to do that again, haha.
[+] Kicked a student out of my class! It was crazy haha.
[+] San Diego Symphony playing Liszt Piano Concertos.
[+] Going to tournaments with OHS, feeling like a band director, haha.
[+/-] Chargers game in the pouring rain, it was so cold.
[+] Bought my wedding dress!!!
[+] Did really well on my student teaching midterm.
[+] My mom surprised me with several polishes that I had been looking for after the Otay Ranch Band Review.
[+] Band Pageant, juggling OHS and BVMS.
[+] Not letting my 6th period class leave without their instruments in their hand for Thanksgiving break…and they actually practiced! (:
[-] Oreo tipped over my trash can multiple times one night because I threw away the wrapper for his treats and he was convinced that there were more. Ridiculous cat.
[+] My grandma came to SD for Thanksgiving and for my graduation.
[+] Richard was here for Thanksgiving
[+] Richard treated me to a mani/pedi done by him. It turned out pretty well, too.
[+] Family House!
[+] Chargers game with friends and family.
[+] 2 concerts at BVMS: 1 beginning guitar, 3 beginning bands and advanced band. They went really well, especially my beginning band that did a piece with multiple time changes! So proud of them!
[+] San Diego Symphony: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.
[+] Took the CBEST…and passed!
[+] Donovan’s for my grandma’s birthday dinner.
[+] Did really well on my student teaching final and turned in my massive portfolio.
[+] Got to help out OHS at Qualcomm Stadium…it was cool being on the field and I made sure to score a touchdown with a drum stand when we walked off, haha.
[+] Bob thought my EOS chapstick was his bouncy ball, it was cute. He protected it all night.
[+/-] Lost Bob’s bouncy ball in the tree out back so I had to buy him a new one…and he actually accepted it. That’s huge for this dog he’s so picky about his toys.
[+] Got my hair cut and colored, thanks to my mom.
[+] San Diego Symphony playing Beethoven’s Ninth.
[+] Completed student teaching.
[+] Woke up to see the lunar eclipse.
[+] Visited my grandpa’s grave.
[+] Drove around looking at Christmas lights.
[+] Got to stop wearing my retainers during the day!
[+] Drove to Flag for graduation!
[+] Got to see my whole family together again for the first time since my high school graduation. And, of course, Lauren who came with and is pretty much family, anyways.
[+] Chargers game with family again.
[+] Got a 4.0! Haha.
[+] Spent time with Richard and his family in Phoenix.
[+] Got my pajamas for Christmas Eve, keeping the tradition alive.
[+] Looked at wedding venues and found some that we really like.
[+] Spent New Year’s Eve at the Galley with Richard and my dad. It was fun!
[+] Nail polish, Kindle Touch, Nintendo 3DS, homemade sand candle, Disneyland tickets, a real leather teacher bag, a cute piggy bank, slippers, pajamas, teacher clothes, new DS games, hello kitty polish and gel pens and time with family. Good Christmas/graduation/New Years.[+] Finished reading The Hunger Games Trilogy. Great book! One of my favorites now.
Overall, 2012 was great. I learned a lot, especially during my student teaching. But probably the most important things that I learned this year were:
- I absolutely love what I’m doing. It’s nice to know that these past 4.5 years have paid off and that teaching music is truly what I want to do.
- I’m stronger then I give myself credit for. Even in my moments of weakness I can still hold it together. And I will always do my best to be the bigger person.
- Relationships and friendships go both ways. If they don’t make the effort and I do, they aren’t worth it. And vice versa.
Thank you, 2011. And thank you everyone who has been a part of my life. Bring on 2012! Here’s a small look into a few of my resolutions (but not all of them):
- Lose 20-25 pounds (including the holiday weight).
- Donate 1,000 grams of rice per day (freerice.com)
- Eat healthier and work out more.
- Be a better friend and girlfriend.
- Get a job.
There’s a few of them. Good luck to everyone on their resolutions and have an amazing 2012!

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